Women | 55+ | Columbus
growing spiritually
Let's grow closer to God, together, through weekly bible study, toss in the occasional dinner and glass of wine. Here's the tricky part, I live in downtown Columbus and I'm guessing most of you don't and you're not really interested in commuting to downtown (even though I really like it here). So I'm open to leading at your house, or meeting at a suburban cafe. I led a small group in Cincinnati for 12 years, and our formula worked well. Meet weekly, because when it starts to be every other, or monthly and you miss one or two, you start to drop away. Have a bible study, because knowing the Word is important. There's lots of content available on Crossroads.net and Right Now Media. Pray it in and pray it out, we pray for each other. At the end of a study, take a break and go to dinner, or a movie, or some other fun thing. So... anyone out there interested?

Linda K.