* NEW * / Women's SPIRITUAL GIFTS / Community “GROWTH” Group
doing things meeting people growing spiritually
"God has given each of us gifts from His great variety of SPIRITUAL GIFTS. Use them well to serve one another." - (1 Peter 4:10)... Spiritual gifts are Divinely distributed by the Holy Spirit to EVERY Christian believer according to God's will and for His majestic GLORY and “GROWTH” within the Body of Christ. If you want to discover more of God’s goodness, His will, His purpose for YOUR life, and you want to now 🔥IGNITE🔥 your calling by using the spiritual gifts entrusted into your care by the Holy Spirit, join other Sisters in Christ as we DISCOVER, DEVELOP and DEPLOY our spiritual gifts in FUN and meaningful ways within our families, CR church and/or local community and ministries. (**Groups meet both virtually and/or in-person during weekend small group settings at local Christian retreats)

Natalie G.