Young Women | 18-35 | Oakley
doing things meeting people growing spiritually
Are you looking for a community of young women who are on fire for Jesus? In this group, our goal is to dive deeper in our relationship with Jesus and to do it alongside each other. We do this by studying His word, completing book studies and letting God lead wherever else He wants to take us. We have fun events, girls nights, and dinners planned to strengthen our bond as sisters in Christ. We want to uplift each other to be confident in our identity as daughters of the King. We do this by encouraging, supporting, praying for, and speaking truth into each other. If this sounds like something you are looking for or that God is leading you to, then this group is for you! You are His masterpiece and we are so excited to grow with you! THIS GROUP MEETS IN ELEMENTARY ROOM C (Upstairs; in the Kids Club area). *** We are out for the summer but we have different events planned to stay connected. Keep your eyes open for emails & updates on that! We will begin meeting weekly again on September 10th. ***

Kariel C.

Marisa P.